Lenovo G575 User Manual

Download Lenovo G575 User Manual.pdf If you're looking for Lenovo G575 manual here is where you can view or download, this User Guide owners manual instruction manual contains reference information for the Lenovo G575 laptop. It gives the system and peripheral specifications, shows how to identify and solve system problems and explains the instructions procedure for maintenance troubleshooting and how to operate printer properly.

Lenovo G575 a laptop that is running Microsoft Windows operating system 7. Lenovo G575 equipped with a dual-core AMD Dual-Core E-350 with 1.6 GHz, the video card AMD Radeon HD 6370M and hard drive capacity from 250 GB to 750 GB. In the Lenovo G575 uses a 15.6-inch widescreen display with a resolution of 1366x768. Lenovo G575 has up to 8 GB of memory modules, Wi-Fi 802.11bg/bgn, Bluetooth, built-in microphone, speaker and 0.3 megapixel webcam. Runtime device is 6 hours at no extra charge. Dimensions are Lenovo G575 376.8 mm x 249,8 mm x 17,3 ~ 34,9 mm and weighs 2.2 kg with battery.

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Lenovo G575 User Manual

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